Sunday, November 25, 2012

Well, we tried...

It's been a long time since I ventured to this spot.  I'm up late with my man as he is grumbling over his work computer and the numbers that are missing, I am laughing at this collection of photos.

Like every family is did, we tried for a Christmas card photo-op on Thanksgiving Day.  I got all of them showered on one day so this was going to happen!  I said the words, "it's time to take our picture" (ok I said them many times) and these are the faces that showed up to our "shoot".  Auntie Molly, you did such a great job taking the pictures but you could only do so much with what you were working with:)  It just makes me laugh.

anything but looking at the camera

Am I squatting or sitting?  Is my hair going to eat my daughter?  Is that a dog? 
We love pictures

Seriously, this is the one I'm thinking of using.

We like to play peekaboo

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Yesterday was the opening of Brave the new Disney movie and we were excited.  I read Plugged In  online and decided we could watch it and cover eyes if needed.   My 6 year old and I were so thrilled to have a fun date just the two of us.  I dropped Dawson and Claire off at their Ya-Ya & Papas for the evening and to the movies we raced.  I had already purchased our tickets online so we made a quick stop at the grocery to grab some Mike and Ikes and gummy bears (we just couldn't decide on one so like any good mom I said get both, please don't tell my dentist husband:).  

The movie was to start in minutes so we ran hand in hand into the theater.  This is our small town stadium seating, matinee prices are still $2.50, & its just plain old school. (we drive "to town" for the city movie theater) As we walked in, there was an usher to seat us due to the fact that it was packed!! I told her 2 and she said they only had 2 seats left together.  So, over a row of people we climbed. We settled in, opened both bags of candy, and waited.  After hours of previews:), the lights dimmed and it begin.  The animation really was amazing.  I thought back to some of the greats 30 years ago (wow that sounds old)  and they don't begin to compare.  We were just getting into it when I realized I was becoming more and more uncomfortable with the content.  I was having to turn her eyes and cover ears, then she was on my lap.  If I heard the word witch one more time... Grace Anne and I had a great little hushed converstation in that moment.  I knew I could just say "I'm the mom we're leaving" but we took a moment to whisper it out.  It went something like this...
Me: "what do you think of this movie?"
Grace Anne:  "i don't know"
Me:" think we should leave"
GA: "ummm"
Me: "I think we should go do something fun, what sounds fun to you"
GA:  "can we go to the mall and eat mall chicken and get smoothies"
Me: smile. "yes, you bet"
GA: "lets go Mom, I don't really like this movie"

So back over a row of people we climbed and hand in hand we walked out of the movie.  I have never enjoyed "mall chicken" so much. (you know the sweet and sour chicken they offer you on a toothpick) I hope Grace Anne really learned a valuable lesson.  I hope I was able to teach her to think and act.  But really,  I was the one that learned the lesson.  I read the review and thought to myself, I will just cover her eyes in those spots.  Shame on me.  I wanted the movie outing with her more than what I knew to be the best for her.  Next time, I am going to read it for what it says not what I want it to say. So thankful His Mercies are new every morning!  (Lam 3:22-23) 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

end of school

Tomorrow is Monday and no school!!  This is our first full week of summer and I am so happy to have my girl home all day, everyday.  Tomorrow morning, we will not have to herd the troops into carseats, there will be no announcing that we will leave in 5 minutes.  No one will have to look for a missing library book and I will not have to say "it's time to go" 1000 times.  Ahhhh, summer.  
My sweet girl is no longer in Kindergarten, she is a first grader now.  

I took some pictures the first and last day of school.  My heart is bursting with love, joy, and hurt that she really is growing up so quickly.  This parenting thing is like being on a runaway train...away we go!  

first day of K

My new backpack pose

the last day of K pose

Claire 2 months, Dawson 2 1/2, Grace Anne 5

Claire 10 months, Grace Anne 6, Dawson 3

Friday, June 8, 2012


Here some is Lately...

Grace Anne and I headed to Boise for a family wedding.  My man stayed home and kept Dawson & Claire (thank you!!)  So, it ended up being a girls weekend; my mother-in-law, 2 sister-in-laws, niece & nephew.  We had such a great time.  I spent so much of the trip cuddling, reading, and swimming with Grace Anne.   It was such special time with her and the wedding was just amazing.  

Grace Anne & YaYa at the State Capital

Groom plays for Boise State,
Reception in sky box...priceless

Fun photos...this was the guest book. Grace Anne took pics all afternoon!

The cake/candy table!!  love the candy Whit!

Anna, Molly, Rebecca

Grace Anne & Whitney

Memorial Day
Harris Beach, Brookings Oregon
This little coastal town hosts our Church campout.  My man has been going to this campground for the last 25 years.  So fun for our kids to be the second generation riding bikes and roasting marshmallows.  Thank you to my mans parents for letting us use your 5th wheel.  Who am I kidding...I love to go camping in a mini-home!!:)  

He rode every minute we'd let him, I love you D

Biker chicks

Dawson & his cousin Eli...Dawson LOVES Eli
Mornings in the trailer are precious family time


Sunday afternoon at the beach
He just fell asleep on the floor... just have to love a little 3 on 3 (with no goalie).

She took her trophy,wrapped in a kitchen towel, to school for show and tell.
She can run like the wind.

Every picture a blessing.  

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Barber Shop

I had a flood of memories today and it was so unexpected. Dawson needed a haircut in the worst way. His hair is thickening and it's straight so instead of growing down it goes out like a little mushroom. So to the barber we went. He loves to go with his dad but it was long overdue, so he had to settle for mom taking him. We pulled up and in true fashion the barber shop pole was beckoning us with its classic red, white, and blue. We walked in to a small set up, its a one chair shop with one barber...Bill. This is a mans place; a tv, hunting magazines, & man talk all around. As the door shuts, Bill looks at Dawson and says, “how are you doing young man?” Dawson's chest puffs up a bit as he answers, “good”. He climbs up into the chair like a little man. He didn't need me to help or hoist him up, here he feels big. I sat down in a chair to wait and it hit...I used to go to the barber with my dad all the time as a little girl. And, I loved it.
Some saturday's Dad would load us up in his car (mom must have loved to see 3 small children ride away for an hour:) and let us go with him to get his hair cut. The barber pole was spinning its colors, the bell would jingle as we would walk in and Junior would say, “Hi Lynn, I see you brought the kids today”. He would chuckle as he filed us in and sit us in the chairs opposite him where we would wait. We, my brother and sister, would wait for the crowning moment when Junior would give us each a piece of bubble gum. Yes, it was a highlight. But between the waiting and the gum we watched. The barber shop is not like the beauty shop, they use a water bottle to get the hair ready and men talk they don't gab:). He would start with the electric razor, then go to the scissors, and finally to my favorite part the straight razor. He would grab the leather strip hanging on the side of the chair and rake it back and forth a few times to sharpen the blade. Then in no time my dads side burns were in perfect form. The next part was the best, at the barber they have a special vacuum, Junior would tap his toe and vacuum dad's neck (I always giggled at that one). Lastly, he brought out the red and black massage machine. This thing was powerful, (ok it was powerful to this little girl) he would spend a few minutes massaging Dad's neck. Dad loved it and we just wanted a turn. And Junior didn't disappoint. He would give us each a turn and all the while we would say “aaaahhhhh” just to hear our voices vibrate. Oh, we were hilarious. And, by the time we all left, we were happily blowing bubbles.
For just a minute today, I was somewhere else, I was little again. I loved going to the barber with my dad. I love you Dad.  

Dad, Grace Anne, & Dawson

Friday, April 27, 2012

Watermelon Love

"Summer Lovin"...I love watermelon.  I mean I really love the stuff.  As far back as my mind remembers, watermelon has been a favorite.  I once won a watermelon eating not only do I love it I can eat tons of it and fast.  During my 3 pregnancies, I suffered from how shall we say it, SICKNESS!  I lived on watermelon, it was the perfect food, refreshing and easy to get down.  So therefore, my children are little watermelon lovers too.  Anyway, we were at the grocery store the other day and we all spotted the first batch of melons.  It was as if a light from heaven shown down and angels broke out in song.  The kids begged to buy one, bummer the little sticker said "made in Mexico".  So alas, we wait for the sweet words "made in America".  In the meantime the kids and I have devised a plan, we are going to keep a running tally to see how many watermelons we eat this summer.  (Grace Anne guessed we'd eat 100, Dawson thinks we will eat 3 b/c he's 3)  In preparation for our watermelon feasting, I found this tutorial on Pinterest:  How to choose a watermelon.  I look forward to putting it to the test this summer.  So, here's to watermelon and summer.  Come on summer!!  Happy Eating. 

Our tally sheet

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hippity Hoppity

Remember our dear rabbit, Fluffy? The rabbit that made me want to write a few things down, well take a look...

Picture one 
Picture two

Do you ever play the game where you see two pictures and are asked to find the differences?  Well, look at the two pictures featured above and see if anything stands out.  You think the rabbit in picture #2 is gray.  Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.  The rabbit in picture 2 is not Fluffy, it's Thumper.  That's right we have another rabbit.  (not my idea)  Poor Fluffy met her demise while we were on our road trip.  My man's parents have blessed us with a replacement rabbit.  That's right, they have gifted us with not one but two rabbits.  ha.  When I heard Fluffy had passed, I gave a small cheer.  But alas when we returned, Thumper was waiting for us on our back porch.  How do you say no to an animal already living on your porch?  You don't.  Again.  I am accepting the fact that animals may be in our lives to stay and I think my man is accepting the fact that he is responsible for all the"messes" they make. :) Obviously, our girl is happy with any rabbit she can call her own.  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

my iPhone

So, I got an iPhone for Christmas. It was the gift I didn't even know I wanted. Two weeks before Christmas, I was home with the kids on a friday with a phone that wouldn't work. I charged it, I went online and made a payment, and when all else failed I shook it (ok I hit it too); still that phone would not work. My man walked through the door a little later and said, “I tried calling you, why didn't you answer?” “My phone won't work, I've tried everything” I replied. “Well, try this one” he says. And out of his pocket he pull a new 4s iPhone. He was very excited and I was going to be very excited. ha. (my man sure does love a good gadget and buying one for me was a good excuse:) Hugs. Thank you. I love it. He proceeded to show me all the great things it could do and he tells me “this phone has siri, you know, the phone you can talk to.”

Who wouldn't love a phone you can just talk to; you don't have to call people you can now talk to your phone! Ask her a question and get a response; give a command and poof, wish granted. Oh, now I love my new phone. So, I get my contacts all lined up...I am ready to speak to the phone.

I press the little button, hold it down just right, and hear that magic ding sound and I read, “what can I help you with” I slowly reply, “Call Anne”. It says to me “i'm sorry I could not find And”. We played that game a few more times before I had phone rage and had to actually dial the number:)

I have a friend named Ali (Al-lee). Isn't that a nice easy name to say?! Siri and I disagree on how those 3 little letters might sound. So I've worked out a system for calling her, I silently say “Mohammed” and speak “Ali” and it seems to be working:)

The other day I press the magic button and say “tell Chase, I mailed the box to your mom's house” and I hear “calling Chase”. I start yelling at my phone, "No, not call tell her, text her, text her!"  Oh well, I guess I could use my fingers to send a text.

Siri and I are on shaky terms. Our relationship is a volatile one. I am hoping with much work, possibly some therapy, and a commitment to improved communication; we can do it!

Turning 6

6 x 3=18. She's 6; I'm a third of the way done...sobering. This was my thought this past week when my oldest, Grace Anne, turned 6. And as the old saying goes, “ the days are long but the years are short” is seeming to prove true.

It was a wonderful birthday. The party this year needed to be squeezed into some busy weekends, so thankfully we had a friday morning with no school so Pancakes & Pajamas was our theme. I thought I was so original til I googled “fun pancakes”; come to find out there is nothing new under the sun:) Nonetheless, it was a great success. The kids arrived in PJ's and for the first time in our party history, no parents allowed! We had the movie “Tangled” playing with pillows and blankets set out.

For breakfast we had colored pancakes, blueberry muffins (per birthday girls request), oranges, and some juice. The kids were able to top their pancakes with strawberries, mini-chocolate chips, powdered sugar, syrup, and sprinkles (of course).

Auntie Molly flipping blue pancakes

And for cake...well pancakes in her favorite colors (right now). Grace Anne isn't really into cake these days, maybe next year.

Next for our big activity, we let them all decorate a pillow case and take it home as the party favor. Hoping all the other parents thought it was a favor:) ha.

Eli worked hard on his shark pillow

I must say the kids were fantastic without their parentals, might have to try this again. And my girl had a wonderful time. This growing up thing might not be so bad. I love you Grace Anne.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Week

Its Easter Week. It is the week to color eggs, eat jelly beans, & make asparagus casserole (seriously its delicious, who knew canned asparagus could taste so good, ok who knew they even made canned asparagus my mother-in-law might add:). But, its EASTER week! Oh, this is the real valentines day- this is true love, this is the reason Christmas is such a treat...He came, He died, & He lives. He loves me! (and He loves you) I've been reading through the book of Zechariah (more on that another day) and the verse I just read came out of
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

Yes, Jesus fulfilled this scripture, we just celebrated it this past sunday...Palm Sunday. Today when I read this verse, it struck me; my Jesus is still the same today. You see, He came in all the power of a king but it wasn't the political king the people were wishing for; He came to do more than live in a palace; He came to save them! (He came to save me) He came not with sword in hand but gently, with approachability. Don't you just love that!!!! He is approachable, He is kind. Don't misunderstand me, He is Awesome in Power; but He loves us so much. By the end of the week, the same people would be crying out for his blood. Yet nothing the people did changed who He was or what He had come to do. The people praised Him and then turned on Him; yet the truth of who He was never changed. The crowd changed. Its still true today. No matter what I do (praise or curse) He never changes. (thankfully!) Isn't everything changing? Wasn't it just yesterday that I thought a car phone (car phone b/c you actually bolted it to the dash in your car) was a crazy, cool idea. I laugh at the thought today. Three kids later...yes everything changes:) Don't you just want something/someone that never changes? Maybe the real question is do I want to stop vacillating and plant my feet on unchanging truth. I do. Jesus...thats what I want. I hope you want Him too.

My Man made this cross necklace for me when I was 16, its one of my most cherished possessions  

Monday, April 2, 2012

Journeys End

Well this is it, our last hoorah, journeys end...we will sleep in our own beds tonight. As I write this we are driving due North on the 5, my man wants to make it over the Siskiyou pass while the light still shines. What a trip. Someone said we were brave for taking this trip, we were blessed to take this trip. Nine days later, I love my little family even more than when we started. I love being the queen of this monster truck. We may look like the Griswalds (that makes you Uncle Eddie Gabe:) but I love those old movies. This mother's heart is brimming with memories that we have forged together this week. But I would be remiss to stop with those words, its the revelation of God my creator that has penetrated to my core. We have seen some of man's best and it was really good and really fun; yet none of it took my breath away or brought a tear to my eye like the vision of His Glory displayed in this world He created. He is so much more. He is in the highs of the Yosemite peaks and the valleys of the Canyon. He alone is Grand.

Thanks for traveling with us, hope you enjoyed some of our adventures.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Road Trip Part 5

Wednesday morning we woke before dawn. Don't you just love fellow campers who get pumped up for a sunrise hike by turning up the bass in their car radio! My man got out his flashlight and turned it to blinking and tried to alert them to their annoying behavior. I laughed as I rolled over and said “that group is going to think that's a strobe light”, sure enough one of them said, “hey, there's a strobe light!” To be twenty again:).

We spent a few hours walking the rim of the Grand Canyon, sipping coffee and hot chocolates. I could take that view with my coffee every morning!

On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again” (hope you just sang that, we seem to be singing it often); to Scottsdale, AZ we go. We are visiting a good friend there and he suggested we detour off the interstate and take the curvy road through Sedona. We almost didn't make that trip, we missed the turnoff and we were just tired; but thankfully we turned around. WOW! I mean really, wow! My man and I were soaking in the view trying to get our small children to really appreciate what they were seeing. Then it dawned on me, we were driving thru “Radiator Springs”. Dawson has watched “Cars” a few times on the trip; this is the old Route 66 and the Red Mountains that Lightening McQueen raced through. All of a sudden, they were very interested in Sedona! We basically pretended we were in a cartoon. Ha!

We arrived in Cave Creek, where our good friend Gabe lives. Don't you just love seeing a good, ole friend. My man and Gabe became friends in dental school and the ties are thick. Uncle Gabe as the kids call him, lavished the kids with gifts and always had a great stash of candy. We got to take 2 nights break from the trailer, feel the continuous stream of shower water, and enjoy relaxing by his pool. This was some sweet time with Gabe and a sweet break from driving. Gabe we love you!! Thank you for being such a great host. See you soon we hope:)

Look at these amazing Cactus!  The kids never left the path in this "sticker" filled hike 

Oh so early friday morning Claire awoke, the 2 of us snuck out of the house and opened the local coffee shop so as not to wake the entire house. If you visit Cave Creek, which I highly recommend (it is absolutely charming) make sure to stop off at Cave Creek Coffee Co. The Cowgirl blend is so smooth and yummy, you won't be disappointed. We loaded up said our goodbyes and drove west towards LA. The mood in our truck changed, my man was suddenly on a mission: home James. The leisure ride time had passed; we had 1000 miles to go. So, I convinced my man that the children must eat, we were wasting away (ok maybe not but we were all hungry), please pull over for a quick lunch. He obliged. We ended up in Quartzsite, CA. Think ghost town meets twilight zone meets trailer park (the kind you tow) meets Mad Max (the movie, says my man). It might be the craziest place we've ever stopped. Its out of body. The town is comprised entirely of towable trailers that reportedly populate the town upwards of 2 million people from October to April (snowbirds) and all business shuts down for the summer months. They park in the dirt fields (ie desert) and let the pump truck come by weekly. :) Levi, they say you can buy and sell anything here; we thought of you. It is just a little bit of crazy, don't miss it if you are on I-10. (we did spend half an hour perusing the local gem store, and if you visit us you can see the “gems” we purchased:)

Friday night we parked our trailer in the parking lot of a Carls Jr.; nice. We are getting very cheap here at the end of our trip.  (smile)

Road Trip Part 4

Hoover Dam here we come! Tuesday dawned bright and beautiful; and my man was in a hurry to see the Hoover Dam. He's been talking about this stop since we started planning this trip. I too am excited to see the Hoover Dam. There are all the obvious reasons, but I must be honest; I own the old movie “Fools Rush In” and love the scene where she drives over the bridge and at the Nevada/Arizona border tosses a coin into the river. I can't wait to go home and get my man to watch this chick-flick.

An hours drive east we winded around in the desert mountains and came to a police checkpoint. Security up there is no joke, but thankfully the police were super friendly, almost like they were glad you were there to visit.  Anyway, we came upon the Dam early in the morning so there weren't many people there (if you ever get to go to Hoover Dam I recommend getting there before the crowds join you, you'll get some pics without other people dotting your landscape:). 

 It was incredible. At first glance it appears small, nestled into the canyon; then as you drive over it you realize what an engineering feat it is. We joined the Powerplant tour (the Dam tour requires that everyone be over the age of 8; we just couldn't think of a good place to stash the kids while we went on the underground tour:) ha. Amazing, truly amazing. My favorite piece of trivia: there is enough concrete in that Dam to make a 4 foot wide sidewalk around the equator! Since we got there so early we were able to get a good parking spot for the trailer, so we ate our lunch looking out our picture window overlooking the Hoover Dam. Best turkey sandwich I've ever had!

One foot in Nevada, One foot in Arizona 

We then turned hard South. I've been so excited to see the Grand Canyon for the first time. I've heard of it, seen pictures of it, and studied it in school; none of which prepared me for the sight I would see. We got to the Park in the late afternoon. We set up camp and fixed some dinner. Right before sunset we headed up to Yavapai Point. This is where I don't have the words to write or express how it felt to see the Grand Canyon for the first time. Tears immediately burned my eyes, I couldn't take my eyes off the view. It beckons you, draws you in. Immediately, the words from the hymn “How Great Thou Art” played in my head...

O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed, then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee; How great Thou Art, how Great Thou art!”

We saw the sunset. The colors were desert reds, pinks, and browns and then it turned to a hazy blue. It was just stunning. How Great Thou Art.

the girls

the boys (dawson loves to dress like his dad)

took this picture because that is a one Real Woman...

This was my favorite sightseeing day. It was also the day of the death grip. Everything we saw, every trail or sidewalk edged a cliff. All day, my man and I were on vigilant watch keeping these 3 kids from falling to their demise. But we did it; there were five heads hitting the pillow (exhausted) at the end of the day.