Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Week

Its Easter Week. It is the week to color eggs, eat jelly beans, & make asparagus casserole (seriously its delicious, who knew canned asparagus could taste so good, ok who knew they even made canned asparagus my mother-in-law might add:). But, its EASTER week! Oh, this is the real valentines day- this is true love, this is the reason Christmas is such a treat...He came, He died, & He lives. He loves me! (and He loves you) I've been reading through the book of Zechariah (more on that another day) and the verse I just read came out of
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

Yes, Jesus fulfilled this scripture, we just celebrated it this past sunday...Palm Sunday. Today when I read this verse, it struck me; my Jesus is still the same today. You see, He came in all the power of a king but it wasn't the political king the people were wishing for; He came to do more than live in a palace; He came to save them! (He came to save me) He came not with sword in hand but gently, with approachability. Don't you just love that!!!! He is approachable, He is kind. Don't misunderstand me, He is Awesome in Power; but He loves us so much. By the end of the week, the same people would be crying out for his blood. Yet nothing the people did changed who He was or what He had come to do. The people praised Him and then turned on Him; yet the truth of who He was never changed. The crowd changed. Its still true today. No matter what I do (praise or curse) He never changes. (thankfully!) Isn't everything changing? Wasn't it just yesterday that I thought a car phone (car phone b/c you actually bolted it to the dash in your car) was a crazy, cool idea. I laugh at the thought today. Three kids later...yes everything changes:) Don't you just want something/someone that never changes? Maybe the real question is do I want to stop vacillating and plant my feet on unchanging truth. I do. Jesus...thats what I want. I hope you want Him too.

My Man made this cross necklace for me when I was 16, its one of my most cherished possessions  


  1. That cross is such an amazing gift and keepsake!

  2. This blog reminds me of something I have meant to tell you and Luke: you both speak the Truth about Jesus Christ with amazing love and boldness. I admire your proclamation not only to the world, but especially to your kids. Thank you.
