Friday, April 27, 2012

Watermelon Love

"Summer Lovin"...I love watermelon.  I mean I really love the stuff.  As far back as my mind remembers, watermelon has been a favorite.  I once won a watermelon eating not only do I love it I can eat tons of it and fast.  During my 3 pregnancies, I suffered from how shall we say it, SICKNESS!  I lived on watermelon, it was the perfect food, refreshing and easy to get down.  So therefore, my children are little watermelon lovers too.  Anyway, we were at the grocery store the other day and we all spotted the first batch of melons.  It was as if a light from heaven shown down and angels broke out in song.  The kids begged to buy one, bummer the little sticker said "made in Mexico".  So alas, we wait for the sweet words "made in America".  In the meantime the kids and I have devised a plan, we are going to keep a running tally to see how many watermelons we eat this summer.  (Grace Anne guessed we'd eat 100, Dawson thinks we will eat 3 b/c he's 3)  In preparation for our watermelon feasting, I found this tutorial on Pinterest:  How to choose a watermelon.  I look forward to putting it to the test this summer.  So, here's to watermelon and summer.  Come on summer!!  Happy Eating. 

Our tally sheet


  1. cute. I wonder if my kids will "love" strawberries? I lived on them during my pregnancy.
