Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hippity Hoppity

Remember our dear rabbit, Fluffy? The rabbit that made me want to write a few things down, well take a look...

Picture one 
Picture two

Do you ever play the game where you see two pictures and are asked to find the differences?  Well, look at the two pictures featured above and see if anything stands out.  You think the rabbit in picture #2 is gray.  Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.  The rabbit in picture 2 is not Fluffy, it's Thumper.  That's right we have another rabbit.  (not my idea)  Poor Fluffy met her demise while we were on our road trip.  My man's parents have blessed us with a replacement rabbit.  That's right, they have gifted us with not one but two rabbits.  ha.  When I heard Fluffy had passed, I gave a small cheer.  But alas when we returned, Thumper was waiting for us on our back porch.  How do you say no to an animal already living on your porch?  You don't.  Again.  I am accepting the fact that animals may be in our lives to stay and I think my man is accepting the fact that he is responsible for all the"messes" they make. :) Obviously, our girl is happy with any rabbit she can call her own.  

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking Fluffy had gone gray from stress in that short time being handled by 3 small children :) Love you and your fam lots!
