Sunday, April 15, 2012

Turning 6

6 x 3=18. She's 6; I'm a third of the way done...sobering. This was my thought this past week when my oldest, Grace Anne, turned 6. And as the old saying goes, “ the days are long but the years are short” is seeming to prove true.

It was a wonderful birthday. The party this year needed to be squeezed into some busy weekends, so thankfully we had a friday morning with no school so Pancakes & Pajamas was our theme. I thought I was so original til I googled “fun pancakes”; come to find out there is nothing new under the sun:) Nonetheless, it was a great success. The kids arrived in PJ's and for the first time in our party history, no parents allowed! We had the movie “Tangled” playing with pillows and blankets set out.

For breakfast we had colored pancakes, blueberry muffins (per birthday girls request), oranges, and some juice. The kids were able to top their pancakes with strawberries, mini-chocolate chips, powdered sugar, syrup, and sprinkles (of course).

Auntie Molly flipping blue pancakes

And for cake...well pancakes in her favorite colors (right now). Grace Anne isn't really into cake these days, maybe next year.

Next for our big activity, we let them all decorate a pillow case and take it home as the party favor. Hoping all the other parents thought it was a favor:) ha.

Eli worked hard on his shark pillow

I must say the kids were fantastic without their parentals, might have to try this again. And my girl had a wonderful time. This growing up thing might not be so bad. I love you Grace Anne.


  1. I feel like Tangled is on perma-repeat at our house lately!

    Happy birthday to Grace Anne!

  2. Favorite birthday party I've ever been to!
    I love you Grace Anne!
