Monday, April 2, 2012

Journeys End

Well this is it, our last hoorah, journeys end...we will sleep in our own beds tonight. As I write this we are driving due North on the 5, my man wants to make it over the Siskiyou pass while the light still shines. What a trip. Someone said we were brave for taking this trip, we were blessed to take this trip. Nine days later, I love my little family even more than when we started. I love being the queen of this monster truck. We may look like the Griswalds (that makes you Uncle Eddie Gabe:) but I love those old movies. This mother's heart is brimming with memories that we have forged together this week. But I would be remiss to stop with those words, its the revelation of God my creator that has penetrated to my core. We have seen some of man's best and it was really good and really fun; yet none of it took my breath away or brought a tear to my eye like the vision of His Glory displayed in this world He created. He is so much more. He is in the highs of the Yosemite peaks and the valleys of the Canyon. He alone is Grand.

Thanks for traveling with us, hope you enjoyed some of our adventures.

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