Sunday, April 15, 2012

my iPhone

So, I got an iPhone for Christmas. It was the gift I didn't even know I wanted. Two weeks before Christmas, I was home with the kids on a friday with a phone that wouldn't work. I charged it, I went online and made a payment, and when all else failed I shook it (ok I hit it too); still that phone would not work. My man walked through the door a little later and said, “I tried calling you, why didn't you answer?” “My phone won't work, I've tried everything” I replied. “Well, try this one” he says. And out of his pocket he pull a new 4s iPhone. He was very excited and I was going to be very excited. ha. (my man sure does love a good gadget and buying one for me was a good excuse:) Hugs. Thank you. I love it. He proceeded to show me all the great things it could do and he tells me “this phone has siri, you know, the phone you can talk to.”

Who wouldn't love a phone you can just talk to; you don't have to call people you can now talk to your phone! Ask her a question and get a response; give a command and poof, wish granted. Oh, now I love my new phone. So, I get my contacts all lined up...I am ready to speak to the phone.

I press the little button, hold it down just right, and hear that magic ding sound and I read, “what can I help you with” I slowly reply, “Call Anne”. It says to me “i'm sorry I could not find And”. We played that game a few more times before I had phone rage and had to actually dial the number:)

I have a friend named Ali (Al-lee). Isn't that a nice easy name to say?! Siri and I disagree on how those 3 little letters might sound. So I've worked out a system for calling her, I silently say “Mohammed” and speak “Ali” and it seems to be working:)

The other day I press the magic button and say “tell Chase, I mailed the box to your mom's house” and I hear “calling Chase”. I start yelling at my phone, "No, not call tell her, text her, text her!"  Oh well, I guess I could use my fingers to send a text.

Siri and I are on shaky terms. Our relationship is a volatile one. I am hoping with much work, possibly some therapy, and a commitment to improved communication; we can do it!


  1. Bec, I've found way better luck with actually going to the text screen and "dictating" my texts. That program is way more accurate with its voice recognition. And I agree, Siri has some bizarro ways of pronouncing things "correctly." Lovin' your blog! -Amy B.

  2. thanks for the advice, I will give that a try:) its just so funny sometimes!
