Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What's in a Name?

What's in a name?  

 From Toile to Burlap...

I actually spent some time thinking about this one.  There were a few names that made my scratch list; "Southern" Oregon, Going Rouge (ha), October Blue (can you believe that one was already taken!), Blue October (again, taken), The Point (then realized this blog might not have a point) anyway, you get the point.  

Toile, pronounced ˈtwäl, think of it as "twall, Y'all".  Toile represents my Southern side.  The part of me that loves a lot of pattern and color.  Its the rolling hills of East Tennessee, the Sweet Tea I love to drink, & the slow drawl of an accent you just can't imitate. When I married my sweet man, I gave each bridesmaid a black & white toile bag.  When Grace Anne was born, I had not one but two toile diaper bags.  My kitchen curtains...toile.  I just love the stuff.  

But I don't live in the south anymore.  Far from it, about 2500 miles to be more exact.  

Burlap, pronounced... Burlap.  Here, there isn't so much accent,  but this is home.  This is the place where the mountains have sharp peaks that take away my breath.  Where the granola people live, and make people watching so interesting:)   But mainly, where this girl grew into a woman.  Where I made my first home, had my babies, and fell deeper in love with my Lord.   I love Burlap.  

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge how this name might read if you read it in the web address- from toilet O burlap.  Yes, I noticed when I signed up for the name and it made me laugh so hard, somehow that was fitting too-i do love a good laugh!



  1. Oh, how I love that you are sharing your life. I hope you never lose the southern charm of "sol" and "ole" which to me would be soil and oil. :)

  2. I'm seconding Michelle's comment!
    BTW I love when you say juuuu-lie (July)-

  3. Thank you for making me smile today with this blog!

  4. Love the name! Glad I can keep up with your family through your blog:)

  5. Bec,
    Oh how I love hearing about the lives of young women that I love and admire. I will be following you and know that I pray for you too. Ditto to all the above comments! You make me smile. By the way, I've done the phone thing heading out for vacation with Rick. He was reeeeeaaaallllllly happy to turn around and get it, NOT!. Love you.
    Karen Brewster
