Thursday, March 29, 2012

Road Trip Part 2

Sunday morning we woke to a down pour of rain and my man discovered our sewer hose had a hole in it. How do you know if your sewer tube has a hole in it??? It's not that hard to figure out! If you will be staying at the Blackoak Rv park soon, you might want to avoid slot 52. ha!

This was a drive day. Las Vegas here we come. We passed 1000 miles of drive time today. Grace Anne loves to draw with a purpose so I got her a new sketch book for the trip, here is her rendition of us leaving Yosemite:

We headed south on highway 99 through Bakersville, CA where we jumped on highway 58 and started our drive through the Mojave Desert. Like I mentioned it was pouring rain at the start of the day, our windshield wipers were on overtime. We headed over a pass of green lush hills, evergreen trees, and vineyards. My man looked over to me (his queen of the monster truck) and said this is all changing very soon, his prediction was dead on. Half hour later we were seeing fewer trees and more brown dust. The thing we were not expecting were the wind turbines. We saw one huge turbine and marveled at it and then our eyes scanned the ridge beside us and our jaws dropped. These turbines go on for miles. The landscape is dotted with thousands of them in all different sizes. We passed a semi carrying a single blade and it was approximately 100 feet long! The wind was intense (hence why they thought this a good spot for thousands of wind turbines) we stopped at a rest stop, I opened the truck door and I thought it was going to blow away, taking me with it. Luckily, we only lost the wrapper to a chocolate bar I had enjoyed:) I wanted to get a good picture of the turbines but couldn't due to the downpour; Grace Anne sketched it for me.

The train tracks and all the tunnels were a big hit in this car since we are big fans of “Thomas the Train”. And, then the sheer vastness of the desert was a sight I won't soon forget. It felt like it was just us out in the great big, wide world. Then suddenly the landscape didn't change but the traffic did! About 75 miles outside Vegas the cars just started appearing. Thankfully on a Sunday afternoon we were headed towards the city and not away. My advice, never drive out of Vegas on a Sunday, or you'll be joining everyone in California.

And then the brown ended, the tumble weed disappeared, and Las Vegas shown in all its glory ahead. What hotel did we stay in you might ask? The Oasis RV hotel of course. One of Luke's patients recommended this one too and it was a great stop for us. Nice, clean spots and a heated pool to boot. We were just minutes from the strip so we set up camp and headed into the Vegas night. My man was on a mission: good food and lots of it. Some friends told us about the Aria hotel, so we headed there and found The Buffet. It was an all you could eat Lobster, Crab, Shrimp, Steak, Sushi, and all other manner of delicacies. My man about put them out of business with the crab legs. He also enjoyed the tops (yes only the top) of about 10 crème brulee desserts. I loved the crab, shrimp, and the endless trips to the bathroom with my children. Grace Anne loved the crab legs (already cracked for you), her Coke and the rice krispie treats. Dawson loved his very own Sprite and the bread sticks. Gotta love the kids.

We managed to make it to the Belliagio for the water show. I love watching the lights dance and thinking Brad Pitt or George Clooney might appear for another Oceans movie:) Back to the Oasis, we have a big day tomorrow; we're hoping to be the first ones to the M & M factory! 

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