Sunday, March 18, 2012

My first post

     Welcome to my blog! Where to start...why start?  That is the question to be answered here, for me and for you.  You see, it all started a few weeks ago when I had a big chuckle about my own life.  This event nagged at me to write it down, put a photo with it and share it with friends and family.  In years past that would have meant a written letter, photo printed & placed in envelope, stamp (do you remember licking the stamp and the yummy after taste?), and waiting a week for its arrival.  Then came email with photos and sending a picture on the phone but that reaches only the addresses on file but now the world of blogging... well here I come blogging world.  I want to make a shout out to all my followers right here and right now:  Hi Mom! Hi Grammie!  Hi Chase!  Ha.  This space is dedicated to the events that change and shape us, the children that grow me and amuse me, and the life that I love living.

Grace Anne & Fluffy

      So jumping right into my chuckle...her name is Fluffy.  See Grace Anne & Dawson spent Sunday afternoon with their Papa.  Like all good Papas, he took them out for ice cream and such.  It just so happens that afternoon our "such" turned out to be a little 1 month old rabbit.  He took them to a local supply store and told them they could get ONE thing.  One thing usually means a new ball or pack of gum but that day it meant a live creature.   Luke called and gave me a warning- "rabbit on the way".  I went into a small panic, I don't really love pets, actually I don't really like animals.  Okay, I should just go on and admit that I am really terrified of animals.   But my daughter on the other hand was not created to fear things that creep and crawl, she is drawn to them like a fish to water.  How do you look at that smile and say "I don't like animals, rabbits included?"  You don't.  You go get your camera to document the most wonderful day of her life.  I have a rabbit and that makes me laugh.  


  1. What a fun way to wake up this morning! The blog looks amazing!

  2. Oh so excited to follow the life of one of my most favorite people in the world!!

  3. Yay, a fellow blogger! It looks great!

  4. So fun! This blog made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing Bec. I look forward to reading more.

    Love, Molly

  5. You will love blogging! These precious little blessings that we have been give grow so fast (even when we beg them to stop) that I have found blogging to be a great way to document what happens with my wonderful family.
    BTW Love the picture, and my Morgan has been asking for a bunny ever since

  6. Grace Anne is gorgeous!! Yay, a new blog to read....check back with us...http://

  7. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.
