Thursday, March 29, 2012

Road Trip Part 3

Monday dawned a beautiful day in Las Vegas. While we didn't open the store, we were one of the first to the M & M factory. Grace Anne has had a few dollar bills burning a hole in her pocket. She asked me on the drive into the city, “Mom, do you think this place has souvenirs?” “Yes, Grace Anne I think you will find just the right thing here.” ( I love 6 year olds). Let me tell you the M & M factory does not disappoint with its 4 floors of yummy. We all headed to the second floor where we each got our own bag. Each of us stood in front of the 22 colors and marveled. Dawson got a bag of Blue only because as D says “blue my color”. Grace Anne started with aqua, then pink, then some yellow and soon I was catching her trying to sneak in every color she could find. I had to explain price per pound. Luke was over in the old person section...nuts, almonds. I, who love M & Ms wanted 2 colors I've never had before...Hot Pink and Turquoise. Twelve dollars later, we had our M & M's.

The 3rd floor houses the 3d movie of red and yellow M and their adventures. The 4th floor has a race car, which Dawson loved. And then after we had viewed all four floors the search for the perfect souvenir commenced. We then perused ALL 4 floors again walking away with a Red, stuffed M that she now calls John. Go figure. We really enjoyed the stop and if you find yourself in Vegas with kids it is a must.

We headed over to New York, New York for a slice of Pizza for lunch and a quick peek at Lady Liberty. 

 Instead of riding the roller coaster, due to our present company, we settled on a tram ride to Mandalay Bay. We were all excited to visit the Shark Reef. It was like entering the Rain Forrest, think Indian Jones movie. I honestly couldn't believe we were really in the middle of the desert.
The animal life was impressive. The pool of manarays and box shell crab was fun for the kids to touch. And then we made it to the shark tank. There was a room full of people all quietly watching the sharks swim by, and then there was D. If you know Dawson at all, you know when he gets excited his voice gets very loud; every time he spotted a shark everyone else got to hear about it too! (I love that about him). 

 The rest of our day on the strip was fun but we were ready for a swim. So glad to see Vegas, so glad to go. 

Claire really loved Vegas

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing about your adventures! Your pictures are great. Your stories have actually "redeemed" Vegas! :) Who knew there was good clean fun in Sin City??
