Sunday, November 25, 2012

Well, we tried...

It's been a long time since I ventured to this spot.  I'm up late with my man as he is grumbling over his work computer and the numbers that are missing, I am laughing at this collection of photos.

Like every family is did, we tried for a Christmas card photo-op on Thanksgiving Day.  I got all of them showered on one day so this was going to happen!  I said the words, "it's time to take our picture" (ok I said them many times) and these are the faces that showed up to our "shoot".  Auntie Molly, you did such a great job taking the pictures but you could only do so much with what you were working with:)  It just makes me laugh.

anything but looking at the camera

Am I squatting or sitting?  Is my hair going to eat my daughter?  Is that a dog? 
We love pictures

Seriously, this is the one I'm thinking of using.

We like to play peekaboo