Sunday, November 25, 2012

Well, we tried...

It's been a long time since I ventured to this spot.  I'm up late with my man as he is grumbling over his work computer and the numbers that are missing, I am laughing at this collection of photos.

Like every family is did, we tried for a Christmas card photo-op on Thanksgiving Day.  I got all of them showered on one day so this was going to happen!  I said the words, "it's time to take our picture" (ok I said them many times) and these are the faces that showed up to our "shoot".  Auntie Molly, you did such a great job taking the pictures but you could only do so much with what you were working with:)  It just makes me laugh.

anything but looking at the camera

Am I squatting or sitting?  Is my hair going to eat my daughter?  Is that a dog? 
We love pictures

Seriously, this is the one I'm thinking of using.

We like to play peekaboo

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Yesterday was the opening of Brave the new Disney movie and we were excited.  I read Plugged In  online and decided we could watch it and cover eyes if needed.   My 6 year old and I were so thrilled to have a fun date just the two of us.  I dropped Dawson and Claire off at their Ya-Ya & Papas for the evening and to the movies we raced.  I had already purchased our tickets online so we made a quick stop at the grocery to grab some Mike and Ikes and gummy bears (we just couldn't decide on one so like any good mom I said get both, please don't tell my dentist husband:).  

The movie was to start in minutes so we ran hand in hand into the theater.  This is our small town stadium seating, matinee prices are still $2.50, & its just plain old school. (we drive "to town" for the city movie theater) As we walked in, there was an usher to seat us due to the fact that it was packed!! I told her 2 and she said they only had 2 seats left together.  So, over a row of people we climbed. We settled in, opened both bags of candy, and waited.  After hours of previews:), the lights dimmed and it begin.  The animation really was amazing.  I thought back to some of the greats 30 years ago (wow that sounds old)  and they don't begin to compare.  We were just getting into it when I realized I was becoming more and more uncomfortable with the content.  I was having to turn her eyes and cover ears, then she was on my lap.  If I heard the word witch one more time... Grace Anne and I had a great little hushed converstation in that moment.  I knew I could just say "I'm the mom we're leaving" but we took a moment to whisper it out.  It went something like this...
Me: "what do you think of this movie?"
Grace Anne:  "i don't know"
Me:" think we should leave"
GA: "ummm"
Me: "I think we should go do something fun, what sounds fun to you"
GA:  "can we go to the mall and eat mall chicken and get smoothies"
Me: smile. "yes, you bet"
GA: "lets go Mom, I don't really like this movie"

So back over a row of people we climbed and hand in hand we walked out of the movie.  I have never enjoyed "mall chicken" so much. (you know the sweet and sour chicken they offer you on a toothpick) I hope Grace Anne really learned a valuable lesson.  I hope I was able to teach her to think and act.  But really,  I was the one that learned the lesson.  I read the review and thought to myself, I will just cover her eyes in those spots.  Shame on me.  I wanted the movie outing with her more than what I knew to be the best for her.  Next time, I am going to read it for what it says not what I want it to say. So thankful His Mercies are new every morning!  (Lam 3:22-23)